Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Thoughts of the Day...

1. Why is "Big E" from Wake Forest my facebook buddy 3 times? It totally screws up my numbers at Wake. And since when did he decide his name should be "Atlas?" - I know this shouldn't bother me at all, but it really does.

2. BlackBerry should be renamed "CrackBerry," if you think I'm talking about fruit then stop reading. I'm pretty sure everyone and their mom in the DC/Metropolitan area has one of these and is pretty much addicted to it. Why talk to people when you can use all the amenities your BlackBerry provides to avoid them?

3. I have tried the new "mega M&M's" and... I don't hate them. Maybe bigger is better afterall.

4. I sold a house on my father's behalf today. It was a pretty good feeling. He's currently on vacation with my mom (and it seems that they have been doing that a lot more lately... hmm) and forgot he had a client coming to sign a contract. Anyway, long story short, he called and asked me to step in and so I did, and now two people can say they are the proud owners of a brand new bitchin house. Yay.

5. Anton (violinist extraordinaire) actually responded and said he could come play at tech for free and gave me his number so I could make this happen. This was news I received last night which was pretty much awesome because now his band Audrye Sessions will grace Southern Virginia with their amazing music. Lord knows we need it. It would also be pretty sweet hanging out with Anton too.

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