Thursday, May 11, 2006

Luxury Sports Car Day? Sign me up!

Today my dad told me that I had to take one of our cars back to our dealer because every so many miles it has to be serviced. Apparently they bought some type of million mile service deal on this thing and probably got ripped off... but anyhow, I have to wake up tomorrow at 8 and join the rush hour traffic to take this thing out there. I'm not completely thrilled - you know, being a college student, it is in my blood to sleep in for as long as humanly possible. It's about 2 am now... 6 hours of sleep isn't going to cut it. Okay well... actually, I've been extremely misleading. Although, yes, it does suck to have to wake up early and be stuck in the morning commute... while my car is being worked on, I do get a temporary replacement of my choice. Which means that if the weather is nice out tomorrow which the forecast says it will be, I'm gonna have to go with a convertible benz. I mean why not right? You might as well have your fun if the Benz dealership is going to let you. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. I'll let you guys know what I end up having as my temp car. With my luck it will be a station wagon.

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