Sunday, June 11, 2006

Duper Sessions

I've had Sondre Lerche's semi-new CD Duper Sessions on heavy rotation for the past few days. I have such a big crush on the new music. I highly recommend it. It's so jazzy and fun. I listen to it (namely the song 'Everyones Rooting For You') and it reminds me of being in a house with all the windows open, dancing in your kitchen with the breeze coming in. I love Sondre Lerche for being a modern artist who stays true to that Frank Sinatra era. That music isn't very popular anymore but it's so good. His voice just reminds me of all that is old. I listen to this and think that my Grandpa would have when he was my age. If you haven't gotten a chance to yet, check it out. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Favorites on the CD include "Minor Detail" and "(I wanna) Call it Love."

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