Tuesday, October 05, 2004

My Horoscope for the week:

You're not easily impressed, so when someone surprises you with their prowess at the beginning of the week, you may be confused. Brainstorm with a friend to get beyond any uncharacteristic romantic indecision, and prepare for action on Wednesday or Thursday. Your intuition will guide you flawlessly midweek -- let your mind (and pride) rest, and follow your heart. It'll lead you into a weekend that's so full of promise, you'll hardly know where to begin. Dive in wherever you like; you'll be met with delight anytime, anyplace. It's your world, and everyone else is your besotted guest.

Hmmm... so since it's only Tuesday, I guess we'll have to test this hypothesis and see if it's actually true. It would be nice if it were... shouldn't get my hopes up though.

True: I am not very easily impressed
False: I don't think that everyone is a besotted guest in my world... you guys ARE my world.

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