Thursday, July 21, 2005

Guilty of using our brains for unworthy causes? Pfft.

I have some smart friends, but it seems that we can't grasp the concept of using our brain power towards something productive... let me explain:

Exhibit A: My Physics Group

Composed of three people Doupamo, Myself, and Jenny... all of us had something to contribute to this group, Doupamo had an illegal amount of random physics knowledge, while I had good problem solving skills and beautiful handwriting (I was the note taker), and Jenny had insane organizational skills. Together, we made the dream team, we could conquer any phsyics challenge... ANY. Our challege was to design a glorious catapult that could hurl a small bean bag a decent distance. And because we are really cool people we spent a weekend working on this. It was perfect. We left it at Jenny's house and she decided to have a party that weekend. She used our catapult in Beer Pong and said it was absolutely phenomenal and she won every game. By the time we brought it into class to actually test out, the springs had gotten loose from it's use in beer pong and we didn't end up hurling the bean bag very far. Our teacher was still very impressed with it and we ended up getting A's... but instead of creating a wonderful catapult... we created a Beer Pong winning machine.

Exhibit B: Anti-freeze

My friend Kat is awesome. She is the best and she used to think that she could create a better version of anti-freeze and she would spend hours and days working and mixing different chemicals together to try to create a more efficient anti-freeze. She decided to stop one day, but I'm convinced that she would have perfected this potion if she had kept trying... now we drive around and make fun of squares when we could be perfecting anti-freeze somehow.


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