Thursday, September 22, 2005

Hokies United.

Okay so my school is trying to raise 250,000 dollars for the hurricaine victims and we've had really amazing events so far. The Juxta sponsored Acapella concert featuring all the acapella groups on campus was held on tuesday where we raised around 5,000 dollars brining our total up to 51,000 which is a great start. We're also having a 5k race and... are you ready? This one is my favorite... we're having a campus wide pillow fight on the drillfield (which is huge, if you didn't all ready know) and all proceeds are going to Katrina. This is almost going to be as great as the Cadet v. Civillian snowball fight that we have each year. I'm so excited! I'm also planning a benefit concert so I'm hoping all that works out but so far so good. The band Audrye Sessions agreed to play for free along with The Cushion Theory. Big thanks to Anton for that one. We just need a venue now... so if anyone knows one, please let me know because all this money goes to a great cause. My friend is here from Tulane this semester and just experiencing it through her makes me sad, I can't imagine what it would be like to actually live there and lose your house and everything you own. Okay well, I'm going to end my rant here with some Colin quotes of the night for comedic relief.

"so best start writing your lyrics to Your Ex Is W.A.C.K."
"who am i...i'm a motha fuckin astronaut lost in space, spittin flames without oxygen to ignite the eyes buried in yo face!!"

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