Saturday, November 06, 2004

Quotes of the weekend:

"Welcome to Anorexia, my name is Mary and I will be your tour guide."
- Robbie

"Alcohol, it's my anti-drug"
- Robbie

"I want outside spoon"
- Carden

"My name is Carden, it's like Garden, only with a C, but you can call me C-dubs"
- Carden

"My last name sucks it's, Ballbuster and my sister is Nurse Ballbuster"
- Robbie

My away message: Robbie just called my phone while he was sitting next to me my own room telling me that he's staying with Mary & Sarah and having a great time... then he realized that.... I was in the room.

sportschic326: g;ad yhou had a fun nigt. and by fun i wmean gyou're all wassssssssssteed
- Nina (I think she was a little wasted too)

"Mary, are you wearing a Lacoste belt? I'm sorry, our conversation ends now. But you're lucky I like you or else..."
- Robbie

"I drown myself in the alcohol of nothingness that is my soul"
- Robbie

"Circle K: It's like Key Club but with alcohol, it's DRUNKEN KEY CLUB!"
- Carden

"Dude, the best part of my weekend was seeing Justin Sanders, our Lieutenant Governor, friggin shitfaced"
- Andrew

"Mary, I carrot three you! Ha ha get it? I <3 you? Whoever thought of that is an idiot, hey let's sum up love with a < and a 3. Great. Thanks genius"
- Robbie

"Shut up, anorexia tour guide? I was anorexic long before you were and look at you with your caffeine, speeding up your metabolism, I did that long before you did"
- Matty (sadly, this conversation actually existed; Matt and I were fighting over which one of us had been anorexic first)

"I punched you in the ovaries last night?!?! - Oh yeah, I remember now, I did! Ha ha that sucks"
- Carden

"Dude, we're playing beer pong against the vice president!"
- Me to Nina on our awesome pong game

"Hampden Sydney can be summed up in two words... rich dick - that's why girls flock here on weekends"
- Carden

"Hampden Sydney is all dudes, you know what I do when I see a girl on campus? I STARE!"
- Carden

"Yeah so the girl-guy ratio at Longwood is 75-25... it's pretty sweet"
- Robbie

"Mary, your hokie pass is so emo looking"
- Robbie

"Let's start a dance party now!"
- Nina

"Carden! You lit my sideburns on fire!"
- Robbie

"There was cardboard on fire sticking out of his ass! I was like LANDSHARK!"
- Carden's re-telling of his good time on Friday night

"Sarah, this is not the CKI way"
- Justin "I am so trashed" Sanders - Lieutenant Governor

... more coming soon

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