Sunday, May 01, 2005

Ugh... so they're just going to make this last week and 2 days as inconvienant as possible? Not surprising.

I've had a great semester. Semester 2 hands down kicked Semester 1's ass. So now that I've gotten over the first hurdle (project/paper combo - yes 3 due all in the same week) alive... I have nothing to do until my frist exam this Wednesday. I guess I could pack, but I could probably do that in a day. And my first exam is one that I don't really even need to study for because it's not cumulative and I always get A's on it because Social Psyc just comes easily to me. I only have two exams because I had papers and projects in place of exams for my other classes and I've already finished those. My last exam is May 10th... which means that I have a week of nothing to do after I take my exam on Wednesday. I asked my teacher if I could take the May 10th exam at an earlier date but she said no. So now I'm stuck here for another week when I don't need to be here. Thanks school. Too bad she's letting people who have 3 exams within 24 hours take theirs ahead of time. If she's going to be proctering an exam at an earlier date, it's not like it would kill her to let me take my exam and get outta here. Oh well. I guess I'm here until May 10th. With nothing to do for a week. I definately won't be studying for the final six days in advance. It's just not the college thing to do. Cram Jam is the game... and I play it well. Okay well enough about finals and exams.... I'm signing off, so ready for the summer.

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