Tuesday, December 21, 2004

He says I am the brightest little firefly in his jar

He should probably take that back because....

this past weekend, I ran into one of the granite countertops in our house and now I have a bruise on my side the size of my foot. It's a nice purply green color - kind of festive if you ask me, fitting for the season. If I'm not falling out of my loft, I must be running into things because I can't go a week without getting hurt. And no, this isn't just one of those "check out my awesome battle wound" bruises this is a "if you try to sleep and you move an inch and anything touches you, you will feel like you're giving birth" bruises.

Owwwwwwww. GO away stupid bruise. And dear granite counter top... FUUUUCK YOU!

Happy Holidays everyone! :)

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