Monday, January 22, 2007

Consider it done!

- Special shout out to my Boston friends: My tickets have been purchased. I'll be coming in March 3rd at 1pm and leaving March 7th. I'm excited. 40 day countdown startinnng now! :)

- It started "wintery mixing" here last night and nobody was excited because there wasn't enough accumlation of awesome snow to play in, there was just enough to frost/ice over our cars making this morning a pain in the ass. And yes, we did have school since we are blessed with steam tunnels underneath our sidewalks that melt anything and everything that could possibly keep us from going to school. Thanks life.

- In other news, who saw this on the front page of CNN this morning?! "Wife induces labor so husband can go to Bears game" Apparently she said she did it because this game was a once in a lifetime thing... but last time I checked, so was the birth of your child.


Anonymous said...

Lucky you, going to Boston! I hope you have fuunnn! I can't believe that lady did that. Huh.

Mary said...

Thanks! I'm not really sure what to do there. I'm accepting suggestions. But I figure exploring the city on my own could be a lot of fun too.

And as far as that lady... people these days? Ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

haha! Gooooooooood point.