Wednesday, September 14, 2005

"Keep it infinitely real"
-Colin Dunning.

So much love for Mr.Dunning and the lovely messages on IM or by way of text messages on my phone all the way from California. I receive them at the most random times of the day and more than likely they say random things such as "keep it infinitely real" or "i have trendy eyes," etc. etc. What a quality human being. Can't wait to reunite for his thesis premier.

In other news, our favorite Wake boy Pat is really lucky and is on his way to New York as I type. I'm so envious. Not only am I obsessed with the city... the fact that he's going to see an impressive showcase of indie bands (and not so indie bands) for a journalism project makes me tear up a little bit. What an awesome opportunity. So glad he's seizing it. I'd take it personally if he didn't. Anyway check out the bands he gets to see and fight to hold back those tears.

Patrick is so lucky

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