Friday, October 05, 2007

Sorry this has been all I've been blogging about lately. I promise the next couple updates, whenever they may be will be on a different subject. This event has been a pretty large part of my life and as sad and heavy as it was, I'm glad I was able to share it or just write my thoughts regarding it. It's been theraputic in a way. In going back and reading these blogs, I see that I've gotten a lot better over time. I was torn to shreds when it first happened. I still can't believe that it happened but acceptance has come with time and I feel like I'm at a pretty good place right now. I've made my peace with the situation thanks to the help of great friends and family.

Anyway, I hate to continuously dwell on this but there is a book that came out about April 16. Encouraged by a journalism teacher on campus, many students, faculty and members of the Virignia Tech community took part in this endeavor and wrote about their personal experience with this event. I think it will be enlightening and heartbreaking to read these accounts. I can pretty much run through that day in my head minute by minute - time passed so slowly that day and the days and weeks that followed. This will certainly be my next read, it's something I look forward to and kind of dread at the same time knowing that it will certainly strike a few cords. Anyway, here's a link to the amazon page for those of you who are interested.

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