Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Je suis tres malade... j'ai mal a la gorge... so much so I can't even speak at times because it hurts too much.

Ugh... I just want to be home, in bed. I feel like crap and I figure this trend will continue for the rest of the week. Great, just what I need. My appetite is gone. I drink coffee every day and take my pills just so I can try to function... but it hasn't been working very well. I still feel like crap, yet I continue to do it... the irony. I need a break from all this madness. I can't deal right now, there's just too much going on and on top of that I have to be sick. As if I could deal with the things that were going on in my life before...

I guess I just have to realize that I am not as "together" as I think I am. I'm not okay, I'm not o fucking kay...

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