Sunday, November 28, 2004

My Friggin Cool Moment of the Day
(That's right, I had a cool moment of the day... is my life taking a turn for the better? Probably not, but regardless of where my life is headed... this made me pretty damn happy)

This morning Sarah and I went downtown to grab some brunch since all the dining halls are closed here on campus and since we were in the downtown area anyway we did a bit of shopping. Anyway on the way back to campus, I heard that the Lyric was playing I Heart Huckabees soon and I've been wanting to see that movie since it came out but never got around to it and I checked to see when it was playing online last night but it didn't say so I asked if we could walk by the Lyric and just get back to campus that way and she agreed. So as we're walking back to campus we walk by Crossroads and she was looking for some Christmas music and I was looking for a CD that I had been trying to find all week over break but none of the stores in Northern Virginia had it so we walk into Crossroads to try to find our CDs... So, I'm looking through all the CDs and it's not there... go figure! Yay obscure music! Anyway, one of the guys at Crossroads was restocking some CDs by me and asked if I needed help and at first I said no, and I went on looking at other CDs but then I changed my mind and asked him if they had The Rocket Summer hoping it would be in their "obscure CD collection that you have to ask about section" and then he got really excited and was like are you serious? I used to be in that band! (Talk about a small world - who knew?!) At first I thought he was lying, but then he was like, "nobody ever asks about the Rocket Summer, they're not very well known, I'm so surprised! I'm from Texas and Bryce and I are really good friends" and then he continued to be excited and told one of his co-workers that I asked about his former band. Then, he finally got around to telling me that they didn't have the CD in the store but that he could personally get me a copy. Then, he went on about how we should campaign to get Bryce to come play here since he doesn't really tour the areay and then he aslo told me that Bryce is a "really nice guy and that I'd like him" and who could say no to that?! So he got my phone number and said he would call me when the CD came in... So, in conclusion, I must say that my day was pretty damn kick ass because I'm getting the CD i've wanted all summer and I don't have to order it online and have it get lost in the infinite abyss known as the Virginia Tech mail room... I now have a new love for Crossroads!

PS: Sarah wants to have this guy's babies and she told me I should have given him our room number so that she could maybe pick up the phone and talk to him and then we remembered a little thing called class and decided he may call during class which presents a problem becuase not only would we be unable to pick up the phone... we sadly STILL don't know how to check the messages on our answering machine and we know we have messages becuase the light keeps blinking... we've tried asking our RA and other girls that live on our hall because they know how to use their phone but they have tried and no one knows how to... and so with that, I'd like to send a card to my life that says "GG."

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