Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Out the door all ready?

Well, I met with my advisior today to see what classes I should be taking come Spring semester and learned that I can graduate at the end of next year. And as exciting as that is, and as nice as it would be not to be 95 when I graduate from Med-School. I think I'm going to stick around. I am practically through with all my requirements for Psyc. By some miricle I racked up a ton of credits and can basically take 4000 level courses this coming semester which is nice since I can get that out of the way. Anyway, I think I'm going to stay because as far as my Pre-Med requirements go, I have to take a bunch of classes over the summer which is fine. I just don't want to take the MCATs this Spring. That's basicallyt eh only thing keeping me from graduating May 2007. Crazy huh? Who would have thought. So, my plan of action is to stick around, pick up a minor in Soc and do some field studies with some of my professors and focus on MCATs. Jerry and I are going abroad Summer 2007 too so that's nice since I won't really have anything to worry about and I can just do all the traveling I want and not really care about school since I'll pretty much be done and waiting for acceptance letters. Anyway, that's my exiciting news for the day which was much needed seeing as this week has been semi-wretched with 3 exams. Actually, a friend pointed out I've had 3 exams every week for the past month today so I've been keeping busy and working hard. Sorry if you feel like I've neglected you. There is so much going on right now. I'm so excited and nervous at the same time. Anyway, that's all for today. Hope you guys have good weeks!

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