Monday, October 31, 2005

So much to say! Get ready...

I normally live in crew neck men's tagless white t-shirts, but this weekend I decided to pick up a couple packs of the V-neck tagless shirts and I have to say... I think I like them better. I will still wear the crew neck though. There's nothing better than a comfortable white t-shirt that you can wear anywhere. To bed, to class, roadtrips, you name it, I'll wear it there, unless you say funeral or wedding.

I'm not going to elaborate on my weekend, because I'm pretty sure you all engaged in the same activities or were there so I won't bother boring you with the same old. But, I did win 7 games of beer pong randomly. I don't even like beer so I recycled it and had my real drink on the side, but yeah 7 games. That's impressive for me because normally I am terrible and this time, I really wasn't even trying. At one point during the night people started chanting "MVP," it was funny. Anyway, it was a good weekend, hope yours was great too, and by the sound of away messages and phone calls I'm sure that was the case.

In other news... my parents called today to tell me they are currently basking in the glory of high serotonin levels at our beach house in Myrtle where it is about 78 degrees without us. It's kind of upsetting to realize that your parents have lives. My sister is apparently spending the week at my uncle's house because she has to be in school. This is not fair. I wish I was there right now. But today wasn't bad. I mean, I got an extra hour of sleep which didn't really make a difference because I was tossing and turning all night. Anyway, the moral of this is that my parents aren't allowed to have fun without us.

Remember when you were in High School and on Halloween, students and some teachers would dress up and it was just embarassing for everyone involved? Yeah, well that happened here today. I don't remember seeing any professors or students last year dressed up, but I definately had test this morning in the Mechanical Engineering building and walked out and saw a professor in a kilt which I guess isn't that abnormal, but it was just kind of funny. I had the urge to walk by and say, "nice legs" but I stopped myself. Also, there was some kid walking around dressed like Joe dirt and a girl dressed up as a... you guessed it, slutty (insert random occupation here). First off, wearing a mullet wig here probably wouldn't be a big surprise seeing as most of the locals here sport one. As for the slut outfit, I really wouldn't wear it to class. That takes balls.

I went to my race relations class today. I had a test in it (which I rocked by the way) and my professor asked us if we had a great weekend and led into a story about his weekend. He's a PhD candidate here at Tech and he is sharing an apartment with another grad student. He said that his roomate has a girlfriend so he slept over at his girlfriend's place for most of the weekend. Anyway, they normally don't lock their doors because it's Blacksburg and he said he was up on Sunday morning doing some work and his roomate comes back and is like, "so who's your friend sleeping in my room," and my prof was like, "what friend, i didn't have anyone over this weekend." Apparently, some drunk undergrad stumbled into their apartment overnight and slept in his roomate's bed. They found him wrapped in a blanket, sucking his thumb and spooning with his roomate's puppy. I don't know about you, but I got a really good laugh out of that one. Moral of the story: lock your doors, even if it's Blacksburg.

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