Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A typical conversation with Matt
(Drew is going to get so sick of us next year)

Matt: youve had that away message for the past 3 nights

Auto response from Me: I found you
the way your foot finds your other arch
when you dream on your stomach.

- d. brown

Matt: whats the dilly
Me: there is no dilly
Me: just some derrick brown i've been reading
Matt: lies and propoganda
Me: what's up with all this speculation and away message stalking
Matt: meh im bored
Matt: i get wild ideas when im bored
Me: yeah i'm in love with derrick brown stuff
Me: i know i'm a weirdo
Me: but it's so good
Me: it's like chicken soup for a stone cold heart
Matt: lol
Matt: i should read it
Me: you really should, it's great- we'll have it at the house next eyar
Me: he even signed it
Matt: score
Me: it says, "i hope this charges your eyes at night and your mouth in the company of lovers"
Me: um thanks derrick brown. - it's perfect

- completely irrelavant part of conversation deleted -
... it gets really Dr. Phil - ish right about now

Matt: i like chicks that dont like me back
Me: i like boys that don't exist!
Matt: you cant make up your mind on what boys you like
Me: no, i know who i like - i'm just very specific and i don't ever want to just settle.
Matt: its a shame
Matt: i hate girls like you

THE USUAL. Ha, this is going to go on all the time next year. Brace yourself Drew, you will hate our girl talk. :P

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