Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Tech, Tech, VPI!

I'm going back to school in two days and I'm beyond excited to start this semester. I was talking to Nasser last night and we were trying to come up with a list of things to do since it's our last year. I told him that Heather and I had already started one and he wants in.

So far, here's what we've come up with.

- 5 mile hike in some mountains nearby to the Cascades waterfall.
- tubing down the New River
- boating on Claytor lake (most likely for Todd's birthday because that's what we did last year)
- Eat at Cabo Fish Taco as soon as we all are settled in
- Ride the drunk bus just for kicks (I haven't done this in 2 years, I think I'll tape the chaos for all to see)
- Get food at DX (the on campus drunk food place that's open till 2), get there by 1:59am
- Make it out to the Cadet vs. Civilian snowball fight on the drillfield when we get our first big snow storm. I've always seen this from outside my window when I was on campus, but I've never participated... this year, I have no choice. So what if it means a black eye, I'm so down.
- Of course, go to as many Football games as humanly possible
- Go to as many soccer games as I can with Nasser. My friend who is from Ghana is the star player so we always go and make ridiculous signs that say things like, "Patrick's GHANA rock you!" or " You're GHANA lose!" or "Nyarko's got some paTRICKS up his sleeve." They're corny signs that are probably embarassing for everyone within a two foot radius of us, but we don't really care.
- Go to Homeplace with the Phi Sigs - I went for the first time last year and it was pretty much amazing. I think I fasted for about a week before. haha It's really awesome, you eat in a huge house on a farm. Kind of ridiculous/awesome.

This list will be continued and personally, I think it's pretty realistic. I know for sure the first 4 things on the list can be knocked off the first two weekends I'm at school. I'm SOOO excited to start crossing things off the list.

Oh PS: if there's anything super important I've neglected to add to this list, please let me know.

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