Saturday, December 11, 2004

Robbie is too much sometimes... gotta love the Original Lunch crew though

FLYINkilrsquirl: im listening to dashboard
FLYINkilrsquirl: its good dammit
Nina: uh oh, someone gettin defensive?
Nina: cause i do believe you used to make fun of people who listened to that
FLYINkilrsquirl: thats before i came to the conclusion that my heart is nothing but flesh, tattered and torn by the tumult of broken love
Nina: oh god
Nina: and i've opened pandora's box
FLYINkilrsquirl: my heart is pandoras box
FLYINkilrsquirl: full of lost hidden emotion
FLYINkilrsquirl: shackled down by the lock of love

First off, Nina and Robbie are my favorite couple ever... and usually I dislike couples because they're all coupley and annoying... but not Robbie and Nina - they are rad rock. And for the record, Robbie, Carden and I share a weird love of the verbal emo game and Nina hates it with a passion... and that's what makes this conversation between them so beautiful.

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