Thursday, February 03, 2005

What is love?
(An exercise we did in my CW class, that I thought I'd share because, I just liked it)

Love is like a mixed CD from someone
Full of inside jokes that only you understand

Love is like a tiny fragment of perfection
Multiplied by one million, and then squared

Love is rebellion from Valentines Day
Because every day is Valentines Day

Love is like a phone call at 12:01 am
Wishing you a Happy Birthday

Love is someone just sitting with you
When you are too sick to move

Love is 10,000 used minutes
On a 5,000 minute plan

Love is holding a hand
That fits yours perfectly

Okay... now it's your turn... I'm serious, I better see the comments for this particular blog entry filled... What is love to you?


Michael L. said...

Corny Mike says:

Love is feeling someone next to you
Who is 6 six feet underground.

Anonymous said...

Love is feeling so excited and scared
but somehow so safe.

Love is the phonecall from someone
that never fails to excite you.

Love is silliness
holding hands with other silliness.