Monday, January 09, 2006

Good thing we dropped Vick when we did.

Today in the news... he was arrested for pointing a gun at some underage kids?! Classy. After this, I mean I really don't think his "pro" career is going to go very far unless of course, people make "acceptions" for him which would just be ridiculous.

In other news... my dad's tailor made one of my dresses fit me today so that was pretty exciting. I bought a dress earlier this year and it didn't fit right but I bought it anyway because I really loved it and I've lost a little bit of weight over break (nothing dramatic- don't worry, I'm not going Lindsay Lohan on you) there was no way I would "grow into it" so my Mom took care of it for me this morning and now come Spring I can wear it. Horray. (You know it's a slow news day when Mary talks about her dress getting tailored)

I also painted some today. I found a piece I had worked on in the summer and it was left unfinished. I realized I wasn't going to finish it anyway, so I started over and just painted over it. So far, I like what I've done. I'm leaning towards doing a screen print-ish type deal or a silhouette of something in metallics over turquoise. The background is turquoise now. I think it would look really good and I actually want to put it in my townhouse next year so it has to be something I really love. Last year, I would just paint things and give them to my neighbors who actually put what I did up on their walls which was nice. But I definately want to do something for me, that I like so I'll keep you posted as to how that goes.

And for those of you who cannot take the pain of hearing about the negness of Marcus Vick... here is a clip of the most excellent expisode of Trading Spouses I have ever seen in my life. I will never forget it. I was in Drew and Matt's room and I had a crucial Chem test the next day and Drew being a Chem genius was teaching me how to dominate stoichiometry and this came on and it was probably the next best thing to acing my chem test the next day:

See it here

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