Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A bad physics analogy...
(insert eyeroll here)

At the expense of sounding straight out of a Sex & The City script... this just has to be said. Do you ever sometimes feel that your relationship with someone is cyclical. Like it can only advance to a certain point in the relationship before you are back to square one? Well, I got to thinking about it today and well... I'm taking Physics this summer and it has taken over my life and I think that this "phenomenon" of sorts can be explained by magnets and magnetic field. Okay so... stay with me, I promise you won't get lost, just hold my hands and listen...

Okay so I think that with common knowledge, we can all deduce that magnets are attracted to each other. The same way that people are "attracted to each other." With magnets there are two different charges or poles and with people, you can say that "opposites attract." And well... in some cases that isn't true too... so you can say that they repel like with a magnet there is a North and South pole which "repel" each other. Again, we are using loose definitions here...

Okay so now that we have established the attraction... heres where the magnetic field comes in. Essentially, the magnetic field going around the pole is circular... It comes out of one end and circles around and comes through the other end to start all over again. This is like a cyclical relationship. Two people are attracted to each other but you can't help that you never advance past a certain point. The same things keep happening, and no matter how hard you try to change them, you'll always end up in this routine or "deja vu-like" chain of events and eventually you'll just end up where you first started... and the explanation... well, it's just physics and the laws of the universe.

So, was that nerdy or what? I hope it made sense. But you can't help but shake that feeling sometime... just remember you're going through what physicists refer to as Magnetic Field Theory.

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