Friday, July 28, 2006

New Customer Service Friend...
... + $160 in the bank account

Today I had to call Bank of America customer service because my credit was apparently in the negative or something which is impossible because I won’t ever let myself go below a certain amount because I’m just that type of person. So anyway, I called them because I had no idea what was going on and I thought someone had been spending money on my card. Well, it turns out all is well… and that the bank actually owes me money to the tune of $160 which is great. It’s like an early Birthday present or something. So anyway, while I was on the phone, I had a great customer service provider. It was funny, she asked me to confirm some information and asked for my birth date and wished me a happy early birthday. Then, she was like, yeah that’s my best friend’s birthday too! So we kind of got excited over that. Then she asked where I was from and how the weather was. I told her it was hot and sticky in Virginia and then she was like yeah I’m in California and it’s been the same way lately. I told her I had been watching CNN and I heard about the heat wave. And she was all… yeah man that’s the only show I get here. And then we started talking about Anderson Cooper. It was pretty much ridiculous. We gushed over him for a good five minutes. Ha… it was an interesting conversation. How many times do you bond with a customer service representative over the phone? It was nice how that turned out because usually I get people who hate their jobs and are in really bad moods. She was really chipper and fun to talk to so I guess that is my exciting news for the day. In other news… there are 5 days that stand between me and my 20th birthday!

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