Sunday, August 29, 2004

Every couple needs their own rain scene...

Just like in the movies. One of my teachers from High School told me about how she and her friends had always joked about how before they got married they had to have a rain scene with their boyfriends/fiances.... you know the kind of rain scene where the couple kisses in the rain after a fight... okay, maybe not a fight but maybe after a great night or something, where nothing could go wrong and then it rains but because they kiss or whatever it symbolizes that they can make it through any kind of weather etc. etc. cliche cliche cliche... I WANT A DAMN RAIN SCENE. But I guess I would have to have a boyfriend first yeah? That might help.

Anyway, so aside from the fact that I want a rain scene I should continue my teacher's story about how her boyfriend popped the question. Since they hadn't had their rain scene yet... he got his friends to set up hoses by the deck and somehow attach shower heads to them and he had them coming from all angles and he asked her to come outside and said "hold this umbrella" and that was the cue for his friends inside the house to turn the shower heads on and dump rose petals out the window and then he popped the question... that's so... dare I say it, romantic. I think I would cry. Oh she said yes, by the way.

Sigh... one day Mary, one day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. Even Hitler had a girlfriend...even Kevin motha-fuckin Fields had a girlfriend. I feel so emo dwelling over this fact...I'm out.