Friday, January 07, 2005

Doups of CAN: just sayin' high, gotta go do stupid english homework, so now i'm sayin' bye
- I think Doups meant he ways saying "hi" - it's a good thing that he went to do english homework. Maybe it's just me being typical and overanalyzing thing, but I find this message that he left me really ironic and funny and I laughed for a few minutes. But I'm a loser so... that my explain it

MarbarO25: no wayyyy mattie
Auto response from Surf N Waves 04: Remember to play after every storm.
MarbarO25: i watched oprah today
MarbarO25: bless his little heart
Surf N Waves 04: yeah i know i cried!
MarbarO25: i'll remember to play after every storm. i thought i was gonna cry after they said they put his name on the fallen fire fighter wall

*I watched a sad episode of Oprah today and couldn't stop sobbing... Marlo happened to be watching the same episode too and could relate! Unlike my mom, who walked in on me demolishing a box of Kleenex when she came home from work today and wondered why I was so sad. I would tell you what the episode was about in detail only I'm sure you can probably go to Oprah's website and read an episode guide or something. Anyway, it was weird because I never watch Oprah ever... but anyhow, it was sad and part of it was about a little boy who died of muscular dystrophy and he was a poet... pretty well known too. Here's a link to his website:

He was really wise for his age... it's so sad that he's gone.

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