Sunday, January 09, 2005

evajayne 03: yeah he's awesome
Auto response from Surf N Waves 04: So now we speak with ruined toungues and the words we say aren't meant for anyone. It's just a mumbled sentence to a passing acquaintance.
evajayne 03: i saw your away message about bright eyes yesterday think and it prompted me to dig out their cd and listen to it again
evajayne 03: OH MY GOD
evajayne 03: your buddy icon
evajayne 03: is HILARIOUS
Surf N Waves 04: ha ha i'm glad you enjoy the icon, i personally like your makeshift dryer icon!
Auto response from evajayne 03: and i sing and sing of awful things(the pleasure that my sadness brings)

Mary n. - spreading the music of Bright Eyes to the ends of the earth and even to people that go to UVA!

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