Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I have stalkers!!! How effing cool is that?!

SLAinsworth7: ok, so i'm being a total stalker and reading your blog...but you have to hook me up with some of the concerts you're going to...b/c i'm a loser and don't hear or things w/o you, drew and matty, haha....hope your summer is a blast thus far!! (and it sounds like it is from my stalkerish-readings)

*I love you stalker! PS: the hook up shall be provided.

rachel6586: hey i saw ur away message so i decided to read ur blog haha...since when am i 'rach face'? lol

Answer: since it rhymed in my head for 2 seconds! :P ha ha jk... I don't know, it just came to me.

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