Saturday, July 30, 2005

Today I'm going to raise my glass (of Verdi) to Clarity.

Finally... no more mass confusion, and it's all clear now. The past few days have proven to be really good for me. Not because I went to Georgetown last night (even though that was great)... but because I've found an answer to the questions I've had all this year. No more conflict, no more grey area. I finally know what I want and it feels so good. Such a huge burden lifted. I feel indifferent towards something that I would have felt very strongly for last year. No more of that. I'm ready to let go and start this new year fresh and rested, with the best friends a girl could ask for. I know I sound vague, but most of you, especially Matt know what I'm talking about. Yeah, this just in, decision has been made. Ha ha. That's all for now.

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