Sunday, June 04, 2006

So GLAD they're here

The saving grace of a Blacksburg summer is undoubtedly Fiji. Honestly, summer here is bad enough as it is and because these guys are here and throwing ridiculous get togethers and making flyers like the one above, my life is a little more bearable. Last night's party was great. Granted it was a little awkward because it wasn't packed to the brim with people - it made it a lot easier to meet people. Jerry and I had water guns throughout the night and would randomly get into water fights with people. A lot of people worked up the courage to jump into the pool. All in all a pretty fun night. I'm really glad that I went and I'm so glad they're here. Every weekend I've been here so far, I've seen these guys and it makes me look forward to spending the rest of my summer here. It's nice. Earlier in the year when I talked to people who had stayed in Blacksburg previous summers and asked them what their experiences were like, almost all of them would tell me that Blacksburg sucks unless you're with a good group of people. I'm finding it more true everyday. The closest friendships you'll make are going to be with your group here this summer namely because they are the only people around to hang out with but aside from the obvious, I think it's because there is more of a "direct connection" of sorts that you can make with someone. Rather than having to meet friends of friends before meeting them. I don't know if that made any sense... but I hope you're catching my drift. I guess what I'm trying to get across is that normally you'd be acquaintences with someone (like during the school year) - you may meet them at a party but here in the summer you actually get to know them and that's what I really like about being here now.

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