Monday, March 07, 2005

Osh comma J. Makes me laugh.

MoB Squad VBall: Chris Paul crotch punched someone
MoB Squad VBall: he twisted into it too
MoB Squad VBall: WHAMMO
MoB Squad VBall: instant paralysis.
MoB Squad VBall: I was amused
MoB Squad VBall: you should watch sportscenter tonight
MoB Squad VBall: it looked like he put a lot of elbow grease into it
Surf N Waves 04: ha ha good ol CP3
Surf N Waves 04: gotta love him
MoB Squad VBall: so he's suspended for one game
MoB Squad VBall: I laughed... and the first thing I thought was... That's Mary's valentine right there...

Ha ha ha... I know how to pick the good ones don't I? PS: Osh comma J is my tennis doubles partner for the spring!

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