Wednesday, June 08, 2005

It is great to know that the most beautiful male that has ever lived works at the local Starbucks. I think I will have to start becoming a regular again. I mean I stopped going for awhile because while at school... I became rather anti-starbucks because the vibe of the little indie coffee shops appealed so much more. However now that I'm back, the local Starbucks really isn't looking so bad. But to my dismay, I bet you I am going to find out that he is gay, because straight men never look that good. EVER. Thanks life. Aside from the ridiculously beautiful boy that works there, I am in love with their pomegranate iced tea - sweetened of course. It's a nice break from the southern iced tea which has way too much sugar in it that I'm used to while at school. I also bought some food from a bakery and there was this guy working there who I'm pretty sure hit on me and it was sketchy so now that means I can never go there again but their bagels are so good I'm not sure if my life as I know it can go on without them. (Well, I know I will survive, but trust me, it's good food!) Anyway I asked for like napkins or something along those lines and he goes, "honey i will give you anything you want." ew no thanks. Save your goods for someone else. Okay well... I'm gonna go.... it's time for an outing with my madre.

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