Thursday, September 09, 2004

I e-mailed my mom the other day about how I feel like such a loser every time I go to check the mail and nothing's there. The mail here takes a lot longer that usual to come. My friend sent me something last week and I still haven't gotten it yet. I've been checking every day and the more I go, the dumber I feel because it's such an ego buster. Everyone else is getting mail. Geeze guys thanks a lot I feel loved... EVEN though I know there's letters of confessed love and what not coming... So anyway upon hearing this, my mom writes back and the first thing she says is... Mary you're a WINNER! Gee thanks for taking the whole "loser" thing real literally mom. It made me laugh - my mom is such a nerd. I love her. She's the coolest mom ever. Anyway she told me she was sending me my new liscense in th email once they send it to our house because we moved and the ID I have now basically lies so yeah huzzah for new liscense and yay for awesome mom...

I'm going to go CHECK my mail in Pritchard again for the 800th time and have people laugh at me. Then I AM GOING TO THE M'PHUCKIN RECORD STORE which I have been planning to do all week and just never got around to it.

PS: It stopped raining and la vita e bella. :)

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