Monday, September 20, 2004

On and on, sold me to your false alarm
Maybe I'll hold my breath and you'll be gone

^ That of course = Some lyrics to Brace Yourself... aka my favorite part of the song. It's so true though. That's how life works, people come and go with the blink of an eye. People lead you on, you lead others on and that's the way the wheel keeps turning (John Mayer reference, did anyone catch that?) PS: I hate John Mayer, he's an ass... his music on the other hand, tuggs at the heart strings - Strange how that works.

I love Howie Day. Howie Day, please come to Virginia Tech so I can rape you.

This entry is pretty much pointless - I'm just trying NOT to do my English paper.... yeah.

Thoughts anyone? If so then leave a comment, preferably not one that whores out the word "love" cough Greg cough... so in other words, do not pull a "Greg."

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