Saturday, April 09, 2005

First "real" post in a long time...

I was looking through this thing today and I realized that all I've posted the past weeks are IM conversations and pictures. Though they may be amusing to you (they certainly are to me), I really haven't posted much substance... well we'll just use the word "substance" loosely - I don't know if you guys consider the posts I write full of "substance" but anyway... I guess I'll update you on what's been going on lately.

Since I only have four more weeks of school, things are beginning to get pretty stressful. Though I only have two exams this semester (thank you life!) I have a few projects I have to do to make up for not having an exam during the scheduled time slot for the class so technically it is like an "exam" only referred to as a final project. I'm sure you are familiar with this. It kind of sucks since these projects will be due at the end of April which is just around the corner. Last semester I had a final exam in every class and that was extremely stressful, but I guess the end of a semester is stressful no matter what. Looks like I'll be on Dean's list which is good. The parentals will be happy that their money isn't wasted on me... woo! As for the guy situation here, I've had a lot of questions from close friends about what's been going on ( a lot of you know I don't talk about this part of my life very often... or ever depending on who you are) but basically guys will be guys and I don't know what to say beyond that. I'm being vague yes, but you all know I don't talk about it so yeah.

Spring semester has been amazing thus far. I have had so much fun, perhaps too much fun. Everything seems to be going right. My grades are good, the weather is phenomenal, I play tennis practically every day which makes me happy, my classes are going well, my professors are AMAZING. There are lots of awesome concerts coming up here at Tech (and I swear I fall in love with this school more and more with each passing day). Bryce and his Rocket Summer ass is coming the 12th, The Juliana Theory is coming next weekend, SoCo is coming the 20th, and G-Unit is coming (not that I particularly care for G-Unit, but it's kinda cool). Gosh, I've never felt so loved by Virginia Tech until now. :D I also like music, so maybe it's just me. Earth Day is coming up... I don't know why I am so excited, and I feel like such a big nerd because I am. The shirts are AWESOME this year. The picture on them is the cover of The Giving Tree... only my favorite book when I was a little kid. So I'm really looking forward to these concerts, earth day and the end of the semester. I'm kind of sad as well. Though I'm more than excited because I'm fortunate enough to be traveling my whole summer, I'm really going to miss this place. And trust me, I never ever thought I'd say that I'm going to miss Blacksburg, Virginia. Above all, I'm going to miss all the people I've met this year. Whether or not things have worked out, they've all taught me something and I appreciate them for that. They've taught me a lot about who I am as a person and I think I've grown a lot this year as a result. I've learned lots of life lessons I guess you could say... I've gotten into sticky and sketchy situations and also really awesome ones. It's been one amazing ride and I couldn't have imagined going through this experience anywhere other than Virginia Tech. The football games, basketball games, parties, nights in - everything has been amazing. I'm sad to say goodbye to my new home of sorts but I'm more than ready to go home to the people I love and my close friends that I've grown up with. It's going to be a great summer. I love the way I feel right now - it feels like everything in my life is going just right and it's a good place to be. It's a place that I need to be. :D

This summer is looking so good. I'm counting down the days but it feels so bittersweet. I don't want to leave this. I'll miss constantly being surrounded by people all hours of the day. But life must go on. And a nice little hiatus from 3am fire drills twice a week is much needed. :D I just realized a few days ago that there's no way I'll be able to intern this summer. I do appreciate my mother getting me such a great internship but with all the traveling I'm doing, it's just not going to work out. Whenever I do something that I'm passionate about, I like to give it my all. I'm a perfectionist on the verge of OCD and if I can't carry out a job to the fullest of my ability, I don't think it's fair to myself or to the people I work with. So this summer does not hold an internship for me and I kind of regret passing up such a great offer but I'm sure others will come along. I just don't feel that right now is the right time for me. My dad is a firm believer in enjoying life. He justified it by saying that this summer is a much deserved break. I'm only young once, I might as well carpe diem right while I'm still in good health. I know a lot of people who say they're going to do all their traveling when they retire, and maybe it's just my parent's mindset or the way I was raised, but basically Dad says that there's no point in putting off having fun if you don't have your health later on in life to do it. I guess that's why my parents fully support all of my traveling decisions. I think my mom secretly wants me to travel the seven seas before I think about getting married. She thinks I need to see the world, and just embrace all that it has to offer while I'm still young. I like that philosophy. And this summer will certainly be a testament to that philosophy. I'm going to be traveling somewhere every month. Possibly multiple places which is great. I'm going to really enjoy myself. I love traveling. If I could, I'd become a traveling psychaitrist and live everywhere. :D We'll see...

I think I've rambled on long enough... so I'm going to stop it right here. I hope you all are enjoying this gorgeous weather... they wern't lying when they told you that Blacksburg weather is only nice at the very beginning and the very end of the school year while everything else is just subzero degree winter. :P

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