Saturday, April 02, 2005

The popped musn't be stopped :: Project Collar Flip 2005

Recently a friend of mine, who I love told me that she "had" to flip her collar. Upon getting ready to ask why... it dawned on me - she had a hickey, which I guess is an acceptable reason to pop your collar... ha ha. Anyway, I was talking to Jane about this the other day and because I am a loser who likes psychology I told her we should violate a social norm and pop our collars - and that's what we're going to do. Next week, we're supposed to have gorgeous weather Monday through Wednesday... I'm talking low 70's (finally) so we're going to violate our own social norm and see what happens. This also filters in very well with the Psychology project my group is working on... sweet, kill two birds with one stone! :D

PS: Don't worry, we'll document with pictures. (This was a request by brandon)

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