Monday, April 25, 2005

I heart funny boys...

Via Chris

Doctor: Well, Rudolph, we finally figured out what makes your nose red.
Rudolph the Red-nosed Raindeer: Is it pixie dust? Or leprechaun tails?
Doctor: No, it's a tumor.
Rudolph: You mean like a magical Christmas tumor?
Doctor: No, a malignant tumor... The base of which is lodged deep within your brain.
Rudolph: Oh. ... like a happy special-
Doctor: You're going to die

Via Robbie (last night)

FLYINkilrsquirl: its 12:22am and i have a sudden rush of board withdrawl
FLYINkilrsquirl: i miss mary and sarah and casey lunching out

*Funny because I woke up this morning and had a message on my wall from Jew-Unit who said the same thing... am I sensing a 2004-2004 Board Reunion coming up? I vote yes.

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