Saturday, August 20, 2005

Man oh man. Summer's not letting me go.

Last night, I was supposed to meet up with this guy and I couldn't make it out seeing as I have to make a 4 hour trip in my own car today so I had to rest up. I regret not making it out to the best party this side of the coast, but it's for the best. I really needed the sleep. Anyway, a certain someone kept sending me text messages accompained by pictures. The first one was a shot of the "party/concert/unimaginably awesome event in DC that I happened to miss" that read, "wish you were here," the second was him writing me a message on the wall that said my name, had some arithmatic (no honest, straight up e=mc2 kinda stuff) and then hearts at the bottom with more arithmatic. Under it the message read, "Everyone is here except for you." I am honored, but alas, it's time to go.

If you're from Tech and reading this... you are coming out with me tonight. Deal.

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